Just fantaaasttiicc! incrediblee!
Just fantaaasttiicc! incrediblee!
it is ok
good animation... but very slooooooooow and find music fast xD
i no its abit slow lol and i no it needs music :D
i will make my next ones faster and louder :D
thank you for your comment
nothing new.. but is ok maybe try doing something more longest and with more accion
veryy good make more make moreee!! you own! but next time think about making more things (no only a lot of trees (a lot of the same tree xD))
Is very good... good music, good drawings but maybe you need to practice more when you "move" the heads of your caracters... but is really good dude work on more!
really goooddd fantastiiicccc wooooo
Not really good but dont bad
was a good animation (very good moviments) but next time make it faster and no so ramdom and maybe get something for be your ground xD
lol too late i already started on 3 and it is fast and ima have a very very simple background, pobably a line or sumthing to be the ground! lol XD
Nice, but can be better
you do a good animation but next time try making they more bigs and the accion start faster, that is all
verry goodd
you ownn very good songs and special efects!
Well... Fine
Was goodm good music good drawing but next time.. try making something more longest, but is good what ever
Im imparciality my aura is Dark i will hive u a bad review if u do it like a fking shit but what ever just do ur better hmm.. something about me? well me me me me me.... etc.... My msn is Jmx300@hotmail.es but only use it if u want to kill me ok?
Age 34, Male
occupacion.. nothing
Im not in a school xD
Joined on 2/14/08